How To clean Bead and stone Jewellary

To clean Bead and stone Jewellary

To clean Bead and stone Jewellary with a soft toothbrush dipped into a bowl.
And add the Baking powder in the bowl.
Brush the bowl beads gently and then rub with a soft cloth.
This method is to keep a jewels are cleal bead on stone.
Tags: Jewels caring, Gold cleaning, Diamond Rings, Rings cleaning, Earings cleaning

How to safe curd longer time?

To keep the curd fresh for longer time for keep these tips.
To take the vessel and fill the curd fully contained.
The curd with water with the brim and refrigerate.
Change the water everyday.
The curd will neither become rancid nor turn yellow.
And will remain fresh for almost a week.
Tags: Keep fresh curd, Curd freshness, Fresh curd, Kitchen tips, Tips world, Freshness tips, Tasty curd

How to quickly fry a Onion?

To fry the Onion quickly as add to take a pinch of salt.
Add a pinch of sugar with in the frying onion flavour.
They will turn soft sooner.
They garnishing pulavs,  fry onion with a pinch of sugar.
They will turn brown faster.
And safe your time in quickly.
Tags: Kitchen Tips, Frying Onion, Cooking tips, Quickly cooking, Best cooking tips

How to Dont Stick Dosa in Tawa?

To Dont Stick in Dosa Tawa
  • The Dosa is patched in Non-stick Tawa in the Frying Pan.
  • If you add two tea spoon of rawa in Dosa flour as tawa.
  • Of a rawa to a dosa in a battar.
Tags: Safe Non stick Tawa, Rawa Dosa, Dosa flour, Prepare Dosa

How to get rid of freckless?

  • To get a rid of freckles, to try this lotion.
  • Grate a radish and extract two tablespoon of juice.
  • Mix with an equal quantity of buttermilk.
  • To add apply all over the face.
  • Wash off with warm water of an hour.
  • Use this everyday till the freckles disappear.

Tags: Freckles medecine, Freckles lotion, Buttermilk for freckles, Rid of freckles, How to remove freckles, Tips of Facial

During summer food spoiling

       During summer, the food carried in tiffin boxes to getted spoiled. To avoid to spoil to this as:
  1. Clean and dry the Tiffon box.
  2. And heat it with the lid on till in the lid is hot.
  3. To pack the lunch in after the box is cools down.
  4. This prevents the lunch from getting spoil.
Tags: Spoiling food summer, Foods caring, Foods package caring, Foods caring in summer

How to freeze Ice cream?

How to freeze Ice cream?
  • Ice cream is freeze as home made is easily.
  • But it is easy to make and freeze at refrigerator.
  • The ice cream packaged and cooling with crystallisation.
  • As not use the steel or glass storage in refrigerator.
  • Only use storage with closed plastic bowl is only for freeze.
Tags: Ice cream freezing, Making Ice cream, Ice cream bowl, Ice cream flavours

Uses of Cauliflower and cabbage leaves

Cauliflower and cabbage leaves
  • Don't throw away waste like the stems and leaves of cauliflower, cabbage or any other vegetable.
  • Boil and mash them instead. Add a little flour and salt to taste. Mix well. 
  • Make balls and deep fry them.
  • Fry two or three green chillies. adding a little soya sauce and a cup of water.
  • Boil the mixture t with the balls and you have a tasty vegetable chilli dish ready.

Tags: Cauliflower leaves, Cabbage leaves, Wastage Cauliflower leaves, Wastage Cabbage leaves, Cook tips

Tips of make idli upma

  • To take a lefted Idli for make a upma.
  • The 'Idli Upma' is made by tasty for them tiny bits.
  • Heat a little oil or ghee and season it with mustard seeds, chopped green chillies and curry leaves.
  • Add chopped onion to it and saute lightly.
  • Pour the fried onions over the scrumbled 'Idlis'.
  • You can also add a pinch of turmeric powder.
  • The 'Idli Upma' is ready to serve it.
Tags: Make a idli upma, Prepare fried foods, Idli upma, Upma recepies,Keep wasted idli

Uses of watermelon layer

Tips of watermelon innerlayer
  • Do not throw away the inner layer of the watermelon skin. 
  • Grate it with add the wheat flour, ginger, garlic paste, chopped coriander leaves, cumin powder and salt as required.
  • Add a little tamarind juice in the mixed flavour to few seconds.
  • After bind to a smooth dough and make some unusual parathas.
Tags: Use of watermelon, Watermelon wastage using, Watermelon white cake using, Watermelon, Tips of watermelon

Tips of ayurvedic medicine

Tips of ayurvedic medicine
  • To sparkling white teeth for quatar teaspoon of soda bicarbonate on a used lemon rind and rub your teeth with it.
  • For sore and hoarse throat, gargle water mixed with cardamom and chinnamon to drinj.
  • The fenugreek seeds are a good ayurvedic medicine for diabetes and many other health problems.
  • Tating them on empty stomach is un palatable for many people.
  • So, either germinate and them and then eat them on empty stomach or add them to 'dals' while grinding 'idli' and 'Dosa' batters.
Tags: ayurvedic medicine, ayurvedic treatment, ayurvedic ingredients, Medical tips, Easy medical tips, Best medical tips

To safe your kitchen in cockroach

To safe your kitchen in cockroach
  • Keep the betel nuts in kitchen cabinets toward of cockroaches.
  • Burn a red light bulb in a cockroach infested zone. They will disappear.
  • A few pieces of sandalwood kept in a bookshelf will keep away termites and insects, leave a fragrance and preserve a valuable manuscripts and books in good condition.
  • Put dry bitter ground skin in stored rice toward of warms.
  • Dry lemon peels in the sun, and use them as insect repellants in cupboards, etc.
  • Sprinkle some mustard seeds and water on soil to get rids of insects and pects.
  • Ants at bay: To stop ants from invading your sugar jars, place a couple of bay leaves inside.
Tags: Kitchen safing, Cockroach killers, Tips for kitchen, Kitchen tips, Cleaning tips, Steps of cockroach killing

Tips for get a fresh breath

  • To get a fresh breath to mix a fresh parsley, a tablespoon of lemon juice and six ounces of papaya or pine apple juice. This makes a refreshing mouthwash.
  • Fresh breath to drink four glasses of warm water every morning. It will clean your bowels, flush your kidneys, clear your throat and rid you of bad breath.
  • To get a fresh breath to get Add 5 gms Neem root to two cups of water. Boil and use this decoction to gargle. It will keep your gums healthy and stop bad breath.
Tags: Tips for breathing, Breathing tips, Natural tips, Medical tips, Tips for lungs, Diaphragm down, Medical check-up

Clean the silver jewels

           To cleaning the silver articles will be easy. If you soak a clean small napkin in a mixture of one cup of water. And add to one tablespoon of household ammonia and one teaspoon of silver polish.
          After to leave the napkin drip to dry. When dry the napkin, can be used to remove tarnish marks from silver. To try these methods after your silver jewels are well cleanly, and polished.

Tags: Silver jewels cleaning, Easily jewel clean method, Gold cleaning, Silver cleaning, Diamond cleaning, Jewel cleaning powder, Ammonia cleaning jewels

Store green peas summer season

          store a green peas for the summer season, to take a tie shelled with green peas in a cloth and dip in boiling water for three minutes. Then dipped in chilled water. To soak in chilled water in two or three minutes.
            Then dip in chilled water for three minutes. Dry under the fan till to the extra moisture and it's removed and then packed into air tight jars, or sealed packets.To freeze and use when peas are too costly. They will not spoiled for two years.

Tags: Peas package, Safe peas in summer, Vegetable safing, Cooking tips, Kitchen tips, Vegetables tips, Fresh peas,Green peas safe in winter season,Green peas preservating method,

Safe your diamond earings

        To safe your diamonds in purity to cleaning to soak your diamond earrings, etc. To take a little water inside at 15 minutes. And add some washing powder into the water. And boiled to 7 to 8 minutes. After take your diamonds watch diamonds sparkle oraments.

Tags: Safe earrings, Clean earrings, Tips sparkle diamond, Tips of cleaning a diamond, Diamond caring tips

Tips to get slim body

  • Daily to empty stomach take a lemon squeezed in a glass of water and drink.Don't do this if you have asthma and acidity. Have your coffee or tea after a half an hour break.
  • Use green, Fruits & vegetables in your diet.
  • Night eat oil free chapati, roti and buttermilk and eat one tomato.
  • Do your household work yourself which will make utilisation of nutrients and deposited fats.
  • You can also drink a tsp of honey mixed with lemon in a glass of water daily in empty stomach.
  • Drink more water as a much as you can.
  • Eat raw curry leaves daily one small stem of leaves which provides iron to your body and diminished cholesterol.
Tags: To get a slim body, Tips to fit a body, Natural tips for fitness, 

Natural tips for weight loss

Tips for hairare


  • Eat plenty of protein containing foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, cut fried foods, starches, sugary foods.
  • Wash your hair at least weekly once with shampoo or shikakai powder.
  • Go for hair trimming every four to five weeks once to get rid of splitends and have the hair styled.
  • Do not brush hair when it is wet but use a smooth edged, wide toothed comb. Do not use hair drier regularly which will cause splitends.
  • Massage at least once a week to increase blood circulation and blood supply to hair roots with massaging. Massaging is not recommended for very oily hair.
  • Condition the hair at least one week, to get remedy from effects of sunshine pollution.
Tags: Care the hair, Hair care, Hair Tips, Treat for Rough Hair, Hair treatment, Scurl hairstyle, Curly hairstyles

Home made easy beauty tips for skin freshness

Home made easy beauty tips for skin freshness

Ingredients : Orange Peel

Boil orange peel for 5 minutes in water and keep it aside till it comes to cool.

Rub it gently on your face at least do it once in a week for freshness.

Average height and weight of human







5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years

Tags: Average height of human, Average weight of human, Height and weight calculation, Height calculate by age, Weight calculate by age

Keep your skin during summer

  • In summer take bath atleast twice a day and use and talcum powder with good fragnance to your under arms and body.
  • Drink buttermilk, Coconut water, Lime juice and consume juices that more foods.
  • People with only skin must wash their face with bengalgram flour for 3-4 times to keep away a pimples.
  • Wash your head atleast weekly twice, tie your hairs instead of leaving freely in summer.
  • Don't go for make up and be sure you remove your make up and be sure you remove your make up before you go to bed.
  • Use almost cotton clothes and prefer loose one's.
Tags: Care dry skin, Skin in summer, Medicine for dry skin, Skin problems, Skin best costumes, Skin care creams

To Treat Rough Hair

To Treat Rough Hair


  • Egg
  • Olive oil                    2 tsp
  • mashed avocado       few pieces


  1. Mixed The Beat an egg, olive oil, mashed avocado.
  2. The mixer is the collected for the cup.
  3. The Mixer is applied for the rough hair.
  4. After 15 minutes wait for mixer in your hair.
  5. Take bath with clean water and Sampoo.
  6. This is the easy way of the treat for Rough hair.

Tags : Beauty Tips, Hair Tips, Treat for Rough Hair, Lady tips, Lady Beauty Tips, Beautiful hair tips, Silky hair tips

Easy way of Facial skin

Easy way of Facial skin


  1. To spread the white egg on the cup.
  2. The white egg is setup for the face.
  3. After 10 minutes wait for the face.
  4. Then the face wash with the clean water.
  5. This is the easy way for the Facial.
Tags : Tips world, Beauty Tips, Facial tips, Easy way of Facial, Face Shinning, Facial cream, Beautiful faces, Lady Tips, Lady beauty tips 

To make a beautiful eyes

  • To use a mascara and eyes shadow lightly so that natural beauty is not lost.
  • The look of eyes also depends upon shape of eyebrows, so while getting them shaped be careful.
  • If your hairs of eyebrow and eyelashes are very light then use a eyebrow pencil lightly and eye liner, mascara.
  • Before you go to bed remove all eye liner, mascara and eyes shadows as they spoil the skin, and skin around your eyes very sensitive.
  • If there are dark circles under eyes then apply cleansing milk over it allow for 10 minutes and wipe of with moist cotton.
Tags: Eyes make up, Eye liner, Eyes shadow, Natural eyes, Beautiful eyes, Beauty tips

How to remove the things hair


  • Shaving is not recommended here because skin may become blotchy due to shaving and regrowth of the hair gets stubbly and unattractive.
  • Mild hair removing creams should be used because skin in this region is soft. Waxing will also be painful.

Tags: Removing hairs, Shaving creams, Skin regions, Hair care, Beauty tips

Tips of grains and foods


1) Aloevera:
           The aloevera is the use of the skins and use for the smooth hairs.

2) Egg:
          Egg provides a facelift by tightening the pores and nourishing the skin. The white part of an egg is a wonderful cleanser. Apply it on your head an hour before you shampoo for a special conditioning effect. Beat an egg and mix it with two teaspoons of brandy and apply before washing your hair.

3) Potato:
          It helps in cleaning in the skin blemishes. Grate potatoes and extract the juicesand apply it to the skins. Potato juice has a tightening effect and it helps in reducing paffiness around the eyes. Mix cream or milk and a pinch of turmeric powder in smashed potatoes. Apply this as a face pack. Grind the raw potato, wrap it in a thin cloth and keep this cloth covering over the eyes. This removes the eye blachness.
Tags: Tips of grain foods, Tips of egg, Tips of nature foods, Tips world, Beauty tips

Easy way to clean bathroom

Bath room care


  1. This steps followed after wash the cloth.
  2. Stick wet hankies on to clean tiles on the side walls of the bath room.
  3. They will not fall down.
  4. When dry and will look well ironed when removed
  5. This is the easy way of clean the bath room.
  Tags: Tips, bathroom care, bathroom tips, Clean bathroom tips, Maintance of bathroom

Tips for carrying your hands


  • Whenever you wash clothes, clean dishes wash off your hands with soft soaps and wipe with clean towel or napkin, keep them dry. Apply vaseline, petroleum jelly or little coconut oil and take a light massage.
  • In winter skin loses moistures and becomes dry then daily apply petroleum jelly, cold creams. or in the morning before bath apply creme(milk top) massage for 10 minutes and have bath after 1/2 hour.
  • If you rub a lemon over the skin of elbow it will remove dead and hard skin, makes it soft.
  • Remove your nails regularly, if you want to leave themshape neatly atleast weakly once and see that dust is not accumulated anywhere.
Tags: Hands care tips, Remove nails, Apply hand soaps, Neatly hands

To remove the pimples


      To take a ingredients of 1 tblspn of Multani matti powder, 1 tblspn of Honey, 1 tspn of carrot juice and 1/2 tspn of Garlic paste are Blend into all these together and apply this mask on the face for 20 minutes. After that wash off with luke warm water. Never forget to give a cold water rinse because the pores which gets openedby luke warm water wash get contracted if you rinced of with cold water.

Tags: Pimple remove, Pimple remove treatment, Easy way of pimple remove, Natural face treatment

To make a Grape without season


            When grapes are in season, prepare raisins at home. Add 1 tablespoon ghee and one teaspoon soda bicarb to one Litre of boiling water. Break 1 kilo of seedless grapes into small bunches. Dip each bunches in the boiling water, and count to 10. Remove seperate from the bunches and spread on a thin muslin cloth to dry.

Tags: Making grape, Grape season, Dry grape, Making dry grape, Cooking tips

For Shiny And White Teeth

                     For Shiny And White Teeth





Daily take  a apple ,radish , carrot in your food
which will make your teeth strong and shine.

This tips for shiny and white  teeth .

Tags : Tips for white teeth, Apple, Radish, Carrot

Tips of nature in health foods


1. Aloevera:
              This is  the best for skin that oily skins and hairs for smooth and silky. This is the no side effects of nature product.
          Egg provides a facelift by tightening the pores and nourishing the skin. The while part of an egg is a wonderful cleanser. Apply it into your head an hour before your shampoo for a shampoo in special conditioning effect.Beat an egg and mix well it two teaspoon of brandy and apply before washing your hair.
            Potato is helps in cleaning the skin blemishes. Grate potatoes and extract the juice and apply it into the skin. Potato juice has tightening effect and it helps in reducings paffiness around the eyes. Mix cream or milk and pinch of turmeric powder in smashed potatoes apply this as a face pack. Grind the raw potato, wrap it in a thin cloth and keep this cloth covering over the eyes. This removes the eye blachness.
          Bathing the eyes in warm wayer to which a little salt has been added can really brighten them up. Salt mix with lemon juice and rubbed over teeth removes yellow patches over teeth.
Tags: Tips of nature products,Tips of nature foods,Nature tips

To safe the wrinkless from skin


            To take a Almond/olive oil gms and carrot 250 gms. Take a carrot. And run the blender or mixie add olive oil and mix well. Place it in a refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Then apply around the eyes and cheeks, leave it for 30 monutes. Then the eyes with down closed. Finally luke of with warm water. It's good for all type skins.

Tags: Remove wrinkless skins, Safe skin, Skin medecines, Carrot for medecines

To safe the furniture in scratch


          To keep the your new furniture on take your brown shoe polish. And polished it with dry cloth. Then the furniture is very shine.

Tags: Keep furniture polish, Furniture polish long life,Safe the furniture in scratch

Easy way of Beautiful Lips


  • Glycerine         1tsp
  • Honey              1tsp
  • Lemon juice    1tbsp 



  1. Mixed for the glycerine and honey and lemon juice.
  2. Before you go to sleep and set the mixer.
  3. This mixed for the lotion is setup on the lips.
  4. Then morning wash lips are clean the water.
  5. Thus the easy way of beautiful lips.
    Tags : Beauty tips, Lips Care, Beautiful Lips, Lady beauty tips, Lady tips


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